What We Believe

Cultivate is a Jesus-centered church that believes the Gospel of Jesus was meant to permeate every part of our lives. We believe that the Bible is a unified story that points to Jesus from start to finish.

We believe that humankind was created to experience union with God the Father, a lifestyle that was demonstrated through Jesus the Son and enabled through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We experience this union through the spiritual practices of worship, prayer, Scripture reading and meditation, fasting, tithing, rest, service, and Christian fellowship. It’s our conviction that a body of Believers living out these practices in community has the power to transform households, neighborhoods, and cities into conformity with the Kingdom of God.

We believe that God has ordered the rhythms of our lives in such a way that as we work, eat, and commune with our neighbors and produce the fruits of the Spirit in the midst of it, we shine the light of Christ to the lost. This is the primary way God uses His people to bring people to Himself.